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What Should You Expect from Amazon Brand Registry? [The Main Benefits]

If you are selling on Amazon, you know about the fierce competition within its marketplaces all too well. In order to give you a competitive edge, Amazon offers a free program for registered brands that alleviates their struggles against trademark infringement. In this post, we will discuss the opportunities that the Amazon Brand Registry program offers to its members and why brands should consider enrolling in it.

The Top 4 Amazon Review Request Templates You Need To Try

The majority of Amazon sellers are familiar with Amazon’s strict policies and, therefore, particularly sensitive to any changes related to customer communications. Among the questions that worry them most of all are:  Can I ask Amazon buyers to leave feedback and reviews for the products they purchase? If so, what’s the safest way to do […]

PIVOT: Don’t Get “Stuck on the Stairs” in 2022

Most entrepreneurs start out with great intentions, especially when it comes to 2022 planning. Then, the plan changes, so they need to adjust. But without clear instructions or a clear path forward, they get stuck. We’re here to help! We’ve brought together an expert panel of eCommerce front runners who have either run brands or […]

How to Stay Compliant with Seller Labs PRO

On September 8, 2020, the rules for Amazon seller messages changed. In this post, we’ll reiterate the changes to Amazon’s communication policies and talk through the updates Seller Labs has made. Rest assured, Seller Labs PRO is an approved third-party service that will keep your business compliant. For general information on how these changes affect all Buyer-Seller […]

How to Level Up Your eCommerce Reputation

The 2021 holiday season will be defined by brands who can provide a positive and delightful experience for all of their customers. The goal is to create loyal brand followers who can connect with you and will ultimately purchase from you again in the future. Thus, ensure you have great customer service and work to […]

Amazon SEO: How to Get Your Products Found in 2022

Regardless of the quality of your products or your brand reputation, Amazon shoppers can’t buy what they can’t find. If your products aren’t showing in the first few Amazon search results, you’re quashing sales opportunities before shoppers even have a chance to see your goods, let alone consider them or compare them to similar products. This is why understanding Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) and having a strong Amazon SEO strategy in place is vital to getting your products found, displayed, and ultimately purchased.


Ready for Amazon Prime Day 2022?

Grab our Prime Day Preparedness Checklist to make sure you are. Plus, get a bonus Promotions Cheatsheet!

    Breaking Breaking

    Effective Jan 17, Amazon announced their first FEE increases for 2023 and it is basically everything. Full details here. All exact % changes are noted as well.

    In-depth video and blog post to follow. Subscribe to fee change updates here.


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