With every rule change from Amazon, sellers struggle to understand and comply with the new information. What’s okay to do? What’s not okay? What could lead to suspension? At Seller Labs, we understand and we’re here to make this Amazon communications policy update as clear as possible. First thing to know: We’re really excited about the update for two reasons: 1) Amazon has made it clear that you can ask buyers for reviews. We’ve always understood this to be true, but the latest update explicitly says it. Once again: YES, YOU CAN ASK A BUYER FOR A REVIEW. 2) Amazon has made it clear that you can use Seller Labs Pro, powered by Feedback Genius, to communicate with buyers. The new rules state that you can use an approved third-party application listed in the Marketplace Appstore. Seller Labs Pro is absolutely approved. To be clear: YES, YOU CAN USE FEEDBACK GENIUS TO ASK A BUYER FOR A REVIEW.