LEAKED: Prime Day Results (& How to Use Them to Your Advantage)

The 2020 Prime Day was an event like no other (like the year as a whole). After months of “will it or won’t it?” Amazon quickly announced the impending Prime Day at the beginning of October, giving sellers mere weeks to prepare for this tentpole sales event. Those that hadn’t submitted a request for a Prime Day Deal back in the spring (when the event was originally scheduled for its standard July dates) were stuck wondering how they could be competitive amongst Amazon’s promoted deals. Needless to say, there were some interesting Prime Day results.

Our Managed Services team works with hundreds of Amazon sellers, so we were “in the trenches” helping our clients with new and creative ways to gain more traction this Prime Day. The team learned a lot, and we’re sharing some of our tactics with you.

Remember, Prime Day is considered a “tentpole event,” causing a spike in sales (or potentially spend) for brands. You can take these Prime Day results and apply them to future events like Cyber 5, back-to-school shopping, New Years’ health resolutions, and more.


In this webinar, Jeff and Bret share some success stories from our Managed Services clients (and brands around the industry) and how those strategies were built. Each brand we work with is different, so we create custom strategies as they apply to the brand and its goals.

road signs of advertising and promotional strategies

Creating an advertising strategy unique to your business is a balance between risk and return. Your brand might be able to get on the “Amazon Interstate” and dedicate a high marketing budget toward deals, coupons, and advertising. On the other end, you may just be getting started, which means that funds are limited and you can’t take as much of a risk (resulting in a lower reward).

Resources for Building a Unique Advertising Strategy (& Other Resources)

Note: This webinar originally aired on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Information provided in the webinar is accurate as of that date.

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