Increase Amazon Sales Conversion Rate with Amazon Listing Optimization and Seller Labs PRO

Last month when we talked about buying cycles, I mentioned the importance of bringing more traffic to your listings to increase your Amazon sales conversion rate. And I was happy to see Katie’s blog help you learn about how to find the best converting keywords for Amazon listing optimization with Scope.

Just because you can attract the right buyers or potential buyers, doesn’t guarantee that they will purchase. That’s why it’s important to keep your eye on your conversion rate.

Your Amazon sales conversion rate is a useful equation that you can use to compare the total number of visitors of a product listing to the number that purchases the product. Conversion rates are extremely helpful to you as an Amazon seller since you can use the conversion rate—as well as changes within it—to perform listing optimization tests to find out what small (or big!) changes to listings can help you increase product sales.

You can calculate the conversion rate for a product by simply taking the number of purchases and dividing that by the number of total sessions on a listing during the same time period.

Fortunately, you don’t have to run this calculation. You can easily see conversions from any product in the Seller Labs Pro Performance Center on the Product Detail page under the Performance tab.

Another helpful report that I highly recommend is the Optimize report. Though it’s valuable to keep an eye on conversion rate, this report can help you prioritize opportunities to increase conversion by showing you the products that have lower conversion rates.

So what is a good conversion rate for my Amazon sales?

Unfortunately, there’s not a clear answer. I’ve seen sellers with rates in the 2-3% conversion rate range with a profitable business, and I’ve seen other sellers with ranges upwards of 90%, too. The key for you is that you must know your current conversion rate and how it has changed over time.

When you know your conversion rate and how it has changed, you’ll know whether you can set aggressive goals to increase it.

Fortunately, Seller Labs Pro’s product detail provides you up to two years of data on your product performance, as well as the Optimize report. The thing to consider with the Optimize report is that products will appear or disappear on it based on conversion rate changes. So if a product suddenly appears you’ll know that it’s enjoyed a higher conversion rate in the past, which means you should check to see if you’re winning the Buy Box.

But if a product you see seems to consistently be on that report, it’s a prime opportunity for you to make changes.

Amazon listing optimization for improving conversion rates

When you’ve found a product that’s consistently showing a low conversion rate, it’s likely that the product detail page needs to be optimized to convince shoppers to buy.

Examples to consider revising include:

  • Try testing different product images
  • Try changing the product listing title
  • Play with the structure of the product description
  • Do additional keyword research and add new ones, or remove some

Need help optimizing?

If you need help finding the keywords to use to optimize your products, check out Seller Labs Pro: a full suite of Amazon seller tools to help you discover and implement the right keywords for your products—for both organic and paid search.

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