How to Respond to Negative Amazon Seller Feedback

How to Respond to Negative Seller Feedback - Seller Labs

Even if you’ve sold a million units, or you just sold your first, every seller should know how to respond to negative seller feedback. Future customers will be watching how you respond in the face of adversity. We’re here to show you how to respond well, and put on a good face.

Determine the type of feedback

FBA- Is it a packaging complaint? Shipping estimate wrong? Damaged upon arrival? Never arrived? Blame Amazon! You can appeal to have feedback removed that is a problem with the packaging as it was fulfilled and shipped by Amazon.

Merchant Fulfilled- product review and not feedback? Get it removed! Seller Feedback ratings are rating your performance as the seller, not the product. If someone leaves a negative feedback score, but if it’s because they disliked or had issue with the product, you can appeal to Amazon to get it removed

Reach out

Message customer directly-  First and foremost, apologize. Comment on the experience, and offer a solution (replacement if item is damaged, wrong item was shipped, description was not accurate). If feedback was left, message them and thank them for their feedback. If the customers gives a valid suggestion see if that new feedback is something you could implement in your selling practice and let them know. Customers mostly want to be heard and their feelings validated.

Reoccurring problem- If there is a common thread of negative feedback (customers are always receiving package late, item is damaged) then you may want to consider how you ship your packages and improve your process. Think of feedback as a way to improve upon your company and performance.

Can I ask for it to be removed?- Only after you’re certain the customer feels taken care of should you ask for feedback to be removed. You can say something like “Would you consider retracting your previous feedback?”, or “Do you now feel different about your experience with us? Would this affect your feedback score?”

No bribery!- You can offer a refund, if you wish. But know that doing so does not guarantee a negative feedback removed. You cannot offer any kind of compensation in exchange for removing feedback. Amazon will crack down on you and your account could be suspended.

What now?

Is a 3 star review bad?- Amazon considers 3 stars to be a neutral review. Be sure to reach out to people who leave you 3 star “neutral” feedback. Thank them for their feedback, and depending on their comments, ask why their experience was just “neutral” and ask if there is anything you can do make their experience or your performance better in the future. Emphasize that a 3 star rating does negatively affect you and that you would like to make the experience more than just “meh” or “neutral.”

If customer does not respond to your message- Reply directly to the feedback. Apologize, make notes on how it will not happen again and show your concern for their feelings.

How to Structure your Message-

  1. Apologize and be sympathetic
  2. Point out the fault (whether it was yours or theirs. Be polite and professional)
  3. Be willing to help – replace item, refund, etc

What to do next?- If removed, yay! Mission accomplished. If not removed, make sure to comment publicly on feedback. Future customers are watching and will see how you respond. Respond like a seller customers would want to buy from.

Feedback Genius is a tool meant to divert negative seller feedback. Always in your Feedback Genius messages ask customers to reach out to you with any questions or concerns.

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