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Amazon Suspension Prevention and Your Plan of Action

Caroline Powell
Caroline Powell Author

Chris McCabe is back on the blog, helping businesses with Amazon suspension prevention! This time, he’s taking the position of “emergency preparedness”, and helping Amazon sellers with their plan of action should their accounts be suspended.


For those of you unfamiliar with a POA request, or “plan of action”, count yourselves lucky. A POA is requested when your account has been suspended for one reason or another. When it comes to Amazon suspension prevention, it’s all about emergency preparedness. There should always be a plan for if things go bad. Chances are you have a plan in place for a fire at home or even an earthquake. Treat your business the same.
In “Amazon Suspension Prevention and Your Plan of Action“, Chris and Jeff highlight:

  • The core of what your plan of action, or improvement plan, should include
  • A solid structure to model your plan after
  • How to know when to create the plan in house or hire someone (like Chris!) to create the POA
  • When to escalate your plan of action to gain reinstatement

Whether you’ve never had a plan of action requested of you, or you’ve found yourself suspended before, having an emergency plan in place is integral for a quick turnaround while remaining accurate and detailed.
For more information, and effective practices on communicating with Amazon, check out Chris’ blog on the “Pre-POA” from Amazon.

Chris McCabe is the expert behind, the agency you should hire should your Amazon account get suspended and you’re looking for professional help. To have Chris review your POA, please email Note: This offer is only valid for current Seller Labs subscribers. 

Caroline Powell
Caroline Powell Event Manager, Partner Specialist, and Marketing Expert at DISQO

Caroline is an Event Manager, Partner Specialist,and Marketing Expert at DISQO. When she's not offering excellent customer support she's doing pirouettes and cheering on the UGA Bulldogs.


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Effective Jan 17, Amazon announced their first FEE increases for 2023 and it is basically everything. Full details here. All exact % changes are noted as well.

In-depth video and blog post to follow. Subscribe to fee change updates here.

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